You may be a resident of the metropolitan city or from an interior village. You may be a student in a college in some corner of India or you may be living as a hosteller, or you may be the one with a wrong job in hand with the dream of being the most beautiful woman in India. Whatever your situation is, ICARE Live gives you the chance to make your dreams come true.
Register yourself in www.icarelive.com and submit your best portraits. Let India choose you as the most beautiful face of the country.
Highlights of ICARE Live Miss Photogenic Beauty Contest
- Women between the age group of 18 to 32 years from any part of India can participate.
- All are equally invited as there is no bar regarding caste creed or color.
- Participation is free and opportunity to win huge prize.
- ICARE Live website will publish the portfolio of each beauty contestant and will be thrown open to public polls.
- The opinion of the Jurors of ICARE Live will also be taken into account to choose the final selection of the winner.
This is the first edition of the ICARE Live Beauty Pageant and is being organized by ICARE Live media Private Limited. Come try your luck and make your dream come true.
Register yourself to ‘ICARE Live Miss Photogenic 2011 Contest’ for more details visit http://icarelive.com/miss_photogenic/index.php
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